Could I really be considered a poet? a teacher? Well I am not so sure about that but Naughty Nancy and this lady definitely have an opinion!
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Could I really be considered a poet? a teacher? Well I am not so sure about that but Naughty Nancy and this lady definitely have an opinion! What will Nancy do for Hollywood? Is it a dream or is she seriously wanting to jump on the opportunity? There is only one way to find out! Watch Naughty Nancy find just as much enjoyment spanking a woman. See all the men…. watching her….. they start to form a line, waiting… in hopes of having a turn. Does she give them a chance? Always promoting TheAssGirl and getting the job done. This guy will blow your mind. His talent at tying ropes/bondage is bad ass. The knots, the train of thought that is required to do all of it is cray cray. Watch Naughty Nancy experience it first hand and not even flinch. This is all for real. I can assure you of that. I saw . . . → Read More: A Man With Rope and A Plan TheAssGirl loves everything outside the norm. Watch Naughty Nancy talk to this professional who is able to carve cocks/penis’ out of the most crazy things. Marble.. wood.. cement.. stone.. everything. No matter how big you want it.. or small. See which one Naughty Nancy prefers to play with.
Yes.. Once you attend one of these events you will be exposed to things you have never seen before. Nothing fifty shades of grey here! Hence, validating my opinion that the book is not really S & M. I guess it’s like the kindergarten of S & M. This looks uncomfortable. How does Nancy feel? . . . → Read More: Naughty Nancy is all tied up! First year at Ladies Who Ride, visiting her uncle, she is from Hawaii. Do you think she will be back in 2014? A thong is a very practical souvenir! Together 7 years and married for 3. This just goes to show you that there are others out there who like to use their teeth for a lot more than biting! It’s always wonderful to meet a seemingly happy married couple. Naturally Naughty Nancy had to find out why. What was their secret? What was their #1 priority? It was girl time and everyone was down to chat. Naughty Nancy met another Nancy and they became fast friends but what was different about this Nancy, or were they actually the same? When Sara stopped near the portopotties, I doubt she was expecting some free panties but appreciated the oral advice given to her beau. They all need a little sometimes.
Be careful boys if you are sensitive about your size. This isn’t meant to offend you. It is just a statement. I wonder if these ladies agree? This sweet fellow seemed pretty calm checking out the shirt Naughty Nancy gave him as a free gift. Might be hard to choice which lady in his life will appreciate it. I have a feeling when Ann & Joe decided to stop, have a cold one and enjoy the day… They were not expecting Naughty Nancy and her antics. I wonder if they can handle it?
This contraption is not what I used when I played doctor. This thing is wild. The nurse, as all good nurses do, put Nancy at ease while she bound her feet and wrists. With no idea what is coming next, Naughty Nancy goes along with everything. What will the nurse do after Nancy is stuck? . . . → Read More: Naughty Nancy meet Naughtier Nurse The nurse in this video starts using tactile sensations to warm Nancy up. You will notice that there are quite a few people filming Nancy and interviewing her. She always draws a crowd. It’s obvious that the nurse is having fun so she makes a move that is a little more intimate.. under Naughty Nancy’s . . . → Read More: How Naughty is she? Everyone wants to try something new. It may be a perfect fit or it may not. Watch this man throw himself in the ring to try out just a little tap on the ass. Can he handle it? Notice how you hear me talking about my shoes and where I buy them (they should give . . . → Read More: You Will Bend Over! Determined to find out what we are dealing with out there in the world, we dare to ask the question of best sex and worst sex. Will this cutie pie be straight with us or dish out the shit? Tough one. This guy I found entertaining. He was like a recruiter who was stoked to show you the ropes and teach you the proper method to flog. He obviously, is a professional. The patience he had and encyclopedia of knowledge on techniques was pretty impressive..
At Cooks Corner TheAssGirl team interviews these hot ladies on how to get out of a sticky situation. One is married but can recall back in the day how she would handle it. Her friend, not married, knows how to handle it easily. What would they do?
This guy states he is a man’s man. He rides a motorcycle. There ain’t nothing gentle about him. He was a tad nervous about being filmed which was interesting but the girls pointed out that we are just here to have fun so he rolled with it. The big question is if a woman wanted . . . → Read More: We Are Just TheAssGirl! We just have fun! We are at Cooks Corner interviewing the crowd during the annual Ladies Who Ride event. A fantastic crowd who is having a blast. Can we do a little interview? Okay but answer with the first thing that pops up in your mind. Does this lady surprise her friends with her answer? Do they agree?
. . . → Read More: QUICK! Spit or Swallow? You know there are times men think they are the smoothest. They think they have the best lines, best moves and nothing can stop them. Well this lady is here to tell you what most of us would say if given the chance, are you ready for it? This is me checking out the lair at the AVN/ANE Expo in Las Vegas 2013. This was one of my favorite moments. This guy had no idea what he was getting into but with his buddies nudging him along and probably a few drinks….he did. Watch Mistress punish him to the point where I think, . . . → Read More: Thank You Mistress! Just try and take your eyes away from her amazing ass. For a moment you may notice the tinge of red color on her butt cheeks from being “punished” . He even brought out the big guns. She took it like… well not a man if you saw the other videos. He screamed like a . . . → Read More: Check that Ass wearing TheAssGirl Naughty Nancy never likes a crutch and she doesn’t want to be predictable. Yes.. using a flog, whipping someone, tying them up.. that can be fun but what if she is caught in a situation where her toys aren’t quickly accessible. She doesn’t want to miss the moment. We have a man walking up to . . . → Read More: I don’t need a whip, I got this! He may remind her of Braveheart but taking a closer look, not happening! If only he could recite the speech he makes in front of all the men. One of Nancy’s fantasies could come true. He didn’t know the speech. He did give her a counter offer. Listen to the sound very carefully. You can . . . → Read More: Naughty Nancy gets a flogging Naughty Nancy is a hands on interviewer. She puts herself in the position of the person she in speaking to (literally) and is more than willing to give it a go. Will Naughty Nancy at AVN/ANE give this lady a hard one or a gentle one?
TheAssGirl team has been hitting the crowd hard and stops this man. He is a hard read and difficult to see if we are annoying him. He mentions that he is a Scorpio which brings an interesting turn of events.
This cracked me up. This guy was just walking by and got tackled by this woman. He had no idea she was coming for him. He tried to get out of it but sadly she was kicking his ass. The big question is did he get hot and bothered from it because she did. Do . . . → Read More: You Better Watch Your Back |
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