- Chili Cook Off June 21, 2014
TheAssGirl will be there with a booth carrying products available for purchase! Come by, say hi and bring beer and JD!
Continue reading →TheAssGirl will be there with a booth carrying products available for purchase! Come by, say hi and bring beer and JD! - Concert for Homeless Veterans
You know how I love the chili cook off, well that weekend has just been made even better. Pack a tent and bring a sleeping bag. It will be two days of bliss!
You know how I love the chili cook off, well that weekend has just been made even better. Pack a tent and bring a sleeping bag. It will be two days of bliss! - Blessing Of The Bikes May 4, 2014
Come by and see TheAssGirl at our booth. Remember Vanessa loves JD and I love a cold Michelob Ultra! We have some fun surprises planned!
Continue reading →Come by and see TheAssGirl at our booth. Remember Vanessa loves JD and I love a cold Michelob Ultra! We have some fun surprises planned! - AVN / ANE Expo 2014 in Las Vegas! Booth 1712!
I am going big this year. Everyone has seen me at this event, handing out freebies, promoting, drinking, dancing, promoting, drinking… It was time for the big leap. This year TheAssGirl will have a booth and be selling product in The Joint. I started with a table but a booth became available so I grabbed it. Scary but exciting. What do I have to lose? What have I been working for? This is it! I am making this my chance and I am going to take it. Shit.. I was stoked just seeing my name on the exhibitor list!
Every night, I keep working on the heat press, killing my shoulder, making more shirts and boy shorts. Full throttle! Thanks to everyone who have supported me from the start. You are the people I cherish most and will always be appreciated. I am also going to be at the AVN Awards cheering every one on so I am off to buy some more badass heels! Watch out world… cause I am not settling for anything less than success!
I wonder if everyone’s favorite, Naughty Nancy, will stop by?? Talk about shaking things up! 😉
If you feel like stopping by, you can go and check out the website for more information. www.adultentertainmentexpo.com
Continue reading →I am going big this year. Everyone has seen me at this event, handing out freebies, promoting, drinking, dancing, promoting, drinking… It was time for the big leap. This year TheAssGirl will have a booth ... - Laying Around, Never! I’m Always Promoting
How hard do I promote my product?
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As much as I can! Feedback is very important to me and everyone loves freebies, so I put the two together. Camp Freddy coming up! My favorite event where I am able to assist by giving away shirts so that nobody ends up with nothing under the tree. Especially some of these people since they have no time to shop!How hard do I promote my product? As much as I can! Feedback is very important to me and everyone loves freebies, so I put the two together. Camp Freddy coming up! My favorite event where ... - Ladies Who Ride 2014! July 20, 2014
A success filled with fun for a great cause! Annual event with our biggest crowd at Cooks Corner. Thank you to Nidess Dance Academy, Niko Marino; our amazing tattoo artist, Leticia of Just One Glance Photography, Tisha Stephens for doing hair & make up, Biker Wearhouse who every year supports TheAssGirl and provides the sexy additions to the tops & boyshorts, Michael Mullins; the Sonny to my Cher, Vivacious Party Girls for their performance and donation of the poles for the day!, my models who handle the stress of the day like champs, my mother who was able to restrain her Catholic upbringing and let go of judgement to help sell at my booth and take my commentating in the way it is meant to be taken.. in fun! Of course.. Naughty Nancy! This year she took on the role of host and kept everyone laughing, engaged and supporting the cause! She kicked ass! Thank you to Rhonda, for believing in me, trusting me with her baby (this event) and supporting my business since day one. She inspires me on a daily basis. Last but not least.. my girl.. my partner in fun.. the person who handles drama like a champ.. keeps me calm when it gets crazy.. keeps the models focused and running my booth when I would love her to still model but can do it better than anyone else. I love her and appreciate her and my wish for success is not only for me and my kids but for her as well. She deserves a role where her positive attitude and initiative can be rewarded financially. She is the best and now…
A picture is worth a thousand words?
Continue reading →BETTER LATE THAN NEVER! A success filled with fun for a great cause! Annual event with our biggest crowd at Cooks Corner. Thank you to Nidess Dance ... - LADIES WHO RIDE AUGUST 30, 2015!
Additional thanks to
Niko Marino Tattoo Extraordinnaire
Julie Clinton Biker WearhouseTisha Stephens Hair & Make Up Manager
TheAssGirl Booth will be there along with our annual fashion show! Special thanks to all of the models who donate their time and give up sleep to help support the cause!
All of the raffle donations!
My hugest thank you goes to the one I cannot do without…
My ying to my yang… My heart rate monitor… My soul sister… Always there for TheAssGirl…VANESSA NATHANSON LOVE you woman!
Continue reading →Additional thanks to Niko Marino Tattoo Extraordinnaire Julie Clinton Biker Wearhouse Tisha Stephens Hair & Make Up Manager TheAssGirl Booth will be there along with our annual fashion show! Special thanks to all of ... - Forge Onward Anti-Bullying Animal Rescue
For those who don’t know (most!) there is a little more to my story. I have intentionally kept my home life private. One thing that TheAssGirl is about is encouraging people to stop stereotyping. You will notice those are the groups I tend to make products for. The ones that people judge on appearance, sexual orientation, hobbies, etc. I think they should be proud and own who you are. There was many times where you feel like you don’t fit in. I question why do we want to fit in? Why can’t you just be who you want to be and do what makes you happy. No one else in the world is living their life to please you. I have been judged and many times enjoy egging it on. I have a pole in my living room. I love wearing high heels. I can sometimes wear slutty clothes. That’s my choice and you would think by now I would be used to it but I am still sometimes surprised.
“Hey.. So I looked at your website and have been watching you at home and I just don’t see it.” You are assuming I am a non stop drinker who hits the clubs all the time and sleeps with random men. Surprise!
“In your next interview maybe you should talk about other stuff. Let the public see that you are smart.” Why do I have to do that. I know I have a brain. Why should I have to do that. Fuck them
“Your kids need to be spanked. You let them get away with too much and cuddle them too often.” My kids have autism. Do you know how much of a shit I would have felt like if I spanked them? It isn’t under their control.
“Why don’t you let your hair grow so that guys won’t think your a lesbian? Why not show a softer side and tone down your outfits and the way you talk so you don’t scare men.”
Bullying is an epidemic. It permanently changed my kids. It changed who I am. It pushes many over the edge. Kids that are 11 are killing themselves. Talk to any gay or trans person and ask if they were bullied. Ask what they went through and continue to go through. See that quiet kid in the corner keeping to himself? He is the one they will go after. He will go home and not say a word. Slowly he will lose sight of any future. He won’t be able to make the pain go away. Have you ever had your kid tell you they want to die? I have. Have you encouraged them to talk to teachers at their school? Of course. What you don’t know is the school will do nothing and because you encouraged your child to go to these adults for help and they have just swatted him to the side, he doesn’t feel like talking to you about it will do any good. I pulled my youngest from school. See those girls who love to pole dance? No..they aren’t strippers. They are empowered women who have probably at some point been judged and insulted. Look at all those tattoos. She must be someone who gets into lots of fights. He is probably just getting out of jail. Wrong again! It is a form of art and something they love. Even as adults we are bullied. It is crazy and no one is talking about it enough. Go into a mental health unit and you will probably find many who were bullied when they were younger, possibly diagnosed but it doesn’t stop the teasing. Bullying made my sweet, kind son totally defensive. Bullying made my other son hate people. Seeing adults do nothing, seeing kids being picked on. He could pretend to not let it bother him but he saw how it was hurting kids.
Bullying takes the trust in others away from many of our youth. They will go into seclusion. They stop having things to look forward to. Most won’t even talk to their parents about it. I want them to learn to trust again and feel safe, loved. That they can contribute to the world and are needed. Animals, I believe is the key. I want an animal rescue where kids who have been bullied, have been mentally beat down, can come and get built back up. They will work with these animals who are also a bit lost, form a bond, build confidence and be ready to face the world. I also want the people who are “employed’ there to be those who are disabled yet high functioning. There is no place for them in the world. They can’t find jobs. They can’t live on their own. Their parents live in fear something might happen to them because there is no one to take their kid. I want to find their niche and use it at the rescue. They could have their own little houses on the property. In addition, have others come in to work with them on life skills. How to shave. How to do laundry. How to make a bed. How to clean a tub. These are the things that will help them survive in the future. Could even work on socializing skills. Especially with the bullied kids who come in. The more difficult kids, put with the more difficult animals. They will be able to relate. Obviously I do not want anyone to get hurt. That is a given. I am aware also that this is a big dream. I figure if I can atleast create one of these mini towns, then maybe we can make two. Working closely with the parents/parent so that they are a part of it. Encouraging them to not be embarrassed by their child’s behavior. To be okay if they were diagnosed as bi-polar. To help them and their child be who they are and not try to “fit in”. Make it okay to be different.
I have also thought about doing 3 day trips. There are animal rescues that are desperate for volunteers and could use the help. Am I insane? Probably but it can start out as just a few. The point is helping everyone move forward. Right now is the filing for tax free status and I am told I can start soliciting for donations. I have a couple people with me who already have a few animals they have rescued. I am working closely with them on what we can do.
With this, my kids can have a future. A place to live, a purpose and job. And if anything should happen to me, they will be okay because right now, I’m fucked if something happens.
*Nothing I have explained is written in stone. This is all new to me and I am throwing out different ideas and seeing what can stick.
Continue reading →PROUD TO ANNOUNCE I AM MOVING FORWARD WITH WHAT I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED For those who don’t know (most!) there is a little more to my story. I have intentionally kept my home life private. One ... - Slutwalk Los Angeles 2016
Continue reading →It was great to be a part of the inaugural Slutwalk in downtown LA. It was a long day, really hot, but we had a lot of fun. I was lucky enough that Holli and Michael from Playboy Radio came and did their podcast from my booth. Craig Ramsay and Brandon Liberati attended to show support and the amazing burlesque dancers from Ladies Who Ride 2016 came as well. I did not break even but with all of this love I have no regrets. Not so sure about being a part of next years (definitely attending) but for me, it was the best feeling ever!
It was great to be a part of the inaugural Slutwalk in downtown LA. It was a long day, really hot, but we had a lot of fun. I was lucky enough that Holli ... - A Tribute To Lemmy At The Rainbow
- Annual Holiday Fun At The Roxy Theater
We all have our holiday traditions. Mine happens to be special, just for me. I have been going for years. I actually try to remember exactly how many but I can’t. Originally, it was called Camp Freddy. Now it goes by Royal Machines. A couple of the same people doing what we go back for every year!
Basically you have this core band of very talented musicians and then others will show up and jam with them, throughout the night. You never know who it is and there is usually a big name. The year Ozzy came was the worst kept secret ever. It is fun though, having this crowd of regulars, having drinks at the Rainbow, trying to figure out who will show up. It’s an exciting game and everyone hears gossip and text messages are flying and there is a giddy feeling in the air. We all love the music. We love seeing musicians play, have fun, interact with the crowd and try to keep us on the edge of our seats. For me, I get to see my fellow traditionalists. Some I only see once a year but we all know each other. We all hug and are pumped up. There’s no sad faces. There are a couple snobby ones sometimes but that’s because they can’t figure out why I am dressed the way I am and how everyone knows me. I think pretty much all of the staff have one of my shirts and the security guards are my favorite! Just don’t tell the Whisky, Viper or Rainbow that!
Continue reading →We all have our holiday traditions. Mine happens to be special, just for me. I have been going for years. I actually try to remember exactly how many but I can’t. Originally, it was ... - Ladies Who Ride 2017
Make sure you click on A GLIMPSE for an amazing slideshow
To quote OCWeekly..On Aug. 20, somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 bikers turned up at Lifestyle Cycles, in Anaheim, and rode with the Lifestyle Cycles Riding Group to Cook’s Corner, in Trabuco Canyon, for the annual fundraiser for Breast Cancer Solutions. In addition to drinks, BBQ, vendors and contests, Cougrzz Rock, Cabaret Con-Sensual, and TheAssGirl provided entertainment. All photos by Scott Feinblatt
Huge thanks to Scott Feinblatt of OCWeekly.
Additional thanks to Quick Throttle for posting Ladies Who Ride pictures online
The hardest working group of girls from Jumbo’s Clown Room They pole danced into a lot of hearts. Some haven’t recovered yet.
Brilliant Finale from More Than NO! Cabaret Con-Sensual Check the site for upcoming shows!
Did you miss the annual fundraiser at Cook’s Corners that raises awareness for breast cancer? Boy did you miss a fun-filled day!
Thank you to Julie at Biker Wearhouse. Accessorizing the models every year!
If you have a problem with the slide show, please pause your ad blocker
Amazing turn out!
BIGGEST THANKS TO MY GIRL VANESSA. She rocks when I roll and vice versa! I couldn’t do this every year without her help
Continue reading →Make sure you click on A GLIMPSE for an amazing slideshow To quote OCWeekly..On Aug. 20, somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 bikers turned up at Lifestyle Cycles, in Anaheim, and rode with the Lifestyle Cycles Riding ...
Say Something Raunchy