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Drunkorexic Shirt

Drunkorexic Shirt

Item #:5626
Shirt with the word Drunkorexic on the front in white. In addition it states, My calories are for alcohol, not food. This is also in white $19.95 . . . → Read More: Drunkorexic Shirt

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I have had this disease for a very long time. There was never a name for it and I was unaware it was even a problem. I guess now, knowing I have this is the first step in healing? Nah! No way. I switched to Michelob Ultra because of the calories and I believe that is making a positive step forward. I don't need a cure. I am happy with my choices. I do not want to give up my beer. Hi, my name is TheAssGirl and I am a drunkorexic

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