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Shut Up! I Wear Heels Bigger Than Your Dick Boy Short

Shut Up! I Wear Heels Bigger Than Your Dick Boy Short

Item #:465
White boyshort panties with Shut Up! I Wear Heels Bigger Than Your Dick on back. $19.95 . . . → Read More: Shut Up! I Wear Heels Bigger Than Your Dick Boy Short

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Shut Up! I wear heels bigger than your dick.. And a lot of us do. The higher the better. Most guys do that whole bragging thing about their size. Feels like they have been doing it no matter what age they are for the last 50 years and I haven't been alive for that long. That's how old guys bragging about their size feels when we hear it. It is like the song Tainted Love. I can go the rest of my life without ever hearing it again. I am that sick of it. 254162_10150208341214687_1060534_n215491_10150153767184687_4579286_n IMG_0182IMG_1124 IMG_1786IMG_2197 423584_10150627162714687_544931233_n

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