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Falling For Gay Men | You Look Fabulous! I LOVE The Shoes!

Gay Men Love These Shoes!

I have been exposed to something I have never experienced before and I don’t know if I can come back from it, actually if I want to. I spent an evening with these phenomenal men. Let’s keep it simple(for the men reading this) and call them Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It . . . → Read More: Falling For Gay Men | You Look Fabulous! I LOVE The Shoes!

2016 LGBT Language Lesson

Don’t be left clueless at the party!

Welcome to 2016! It is a new year and with every new year comes new lingo. Some of our best day/night times out take place in WeHo. Don’t end up pretend laughing at something you don’t understand or be embarassed by having to ask, what does that . . . → Read More: 2016 LGBT Language Lesson

Could Maternal Instinct Be Our Achilles Heel?

Could our maternal instinct be our Achilles heel? Think about it. I am not saying it tied to mother’s necessarily, even though historically that is what they say. I am talking about the instinct. There are many women out there who don’t have this. A man can have it. Sex doesn’t mater. I know a . . . → Read More: Could Maternal Instinct Be Our Achilles Heel?