By The Ass Girl, on April 5th, 2013
The Truth is it does!
As you know, I was not able to make Daytona so now I am aiming for Laughlin. Anybody have any extra room out there? Had a little car accident with an “asshole” that messed everything up! I have, however, been making my rounds and flashing my ass everywhere.
I LOVE . . . → Read More: Myth #2: Penis Size Doesn’t Matter | The Truth
By The Ass Girl, on April 5th, 2013
Cut men’s number in half and triple the women’s.
Favorite Line:
The only time I believe in the power of attraction is when I buy XL condoms!
Re-gifting a Broken Vibrator
Okay…so I KNOW! I KNOW! “I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date!”. No, I’m not a rabbit but I did own one! . . . → Read More: Myth #3: Sex Number. No one is ever honest on this one
By The Ass Girl, on April 5th, 2013
Truth: NO! I mean hard is great but that whole fast thing..we have a word for you. You are the jackrabbit.
We don’t like the jackrabbit and our neck is sore for the next three days afterwards. How would you like it if I start slapping your dick around. Is that going to feel good? . . . → Read More: Myth #4: Nailing a girl hard and fast is great sex! Don’t Be A Jack Rabbit
By The Ass Girl, on April 5th, 2013
FYI: Just because you have a big dick doesn’t mean you can just lay there
Well it’s a new month! I’m in a new place and I’m feeling pretty optimistic. Not quite sure why..I haven’t had that much to drink yet but hey..I’m running with it. I’m totally stoked for the Ladies Who Ride Event . . . → Read More: Myth #5: All You Need Is A Big Dick | Not!
By The Ass Girl, on April 5th, 2013
Truth? No we don’t. We want men to be able to go multiple times in one night, hence the little boy phenomenon. In actuality, about 40 minutes into it, you have lost us. We are going over our grocery list, coming up with our things to do list, etc. It’s best to let it go, . . . → Read More: Myth #1: Women Want Men to Go All Night
By The Ass Girl, on April 5th, 2013
I was pretty much 100% in favor of Fellatio this month! Although I think if you took a poll of the men out there they would definitely disagree. I pondered over how and what to say. I felt like if it was what everyone wanted to hear about, I had to give it a shot. . . . → Read More: February Fellatio | A Great Month For Oral Sex?
By The Ass Girl, on March 26th, 2013
While at the Adult Novelty Expo in Vegas I received alot of requests to review products. Samples were being offered to me left and right. We all know I will try anything once and the idea of a breath spray to get your libido in overdrive? Well how could I not?? The only catch..I agreed . . . → Read More: Adult Novelty Expo
By The Ass Girl, on April 2nd, 2013
Coochy – Body Boudoir Rash Free Shave Creme
There is nothing worse than shaving and ending up with an unattractive rash. Whether you go with a shag, bathmat or linoleum look. Especially on date night because every woman out there is going to shave before they go out. I have tried shave creams for . . . → Read More: Shaving With Coochy Before A Shag
By The Ass Girl, on April 2nd, 2013
Purchased at Touch of Romance/Con Rev
Peppermint Peckers
Okay..if you know me at all you know I always have a container of these in my purse. I just LOVE them! From a practical standpoint, I have this chronic dry mouth problem so for me THEY ARE MEDICALLY NECESSARY! From a fun standpoint, I love . . . → Read More: Peppermint Peckers
By The Ass Girl, on April 5th, 2013
Okay.. Look.. I know! Where have I been? But we need to focus on something even more important. The mini men.. little penis guys. Now yes, I have mentioned my theory on sending them to another country and only allowing big penis men to pro-create. I can be a bit harsh at times but it . . . → Read More: March Mini Men | Yes We Are Talking Penis Size
By The Ass Girl, on April 5th, 2013
Hello my magnificent friends! I was trying to come up with an idea for a July “theme” when I received a text from a number I didn’t recognize. It said “Hello Gorgeous”. I respond with my “Who is This?”, to which they reply “Mark”. Mark? Mark who? Oh! I met you at the Foo Fighters . . . → Read More: Guys Always Come Back For More Bootie
By The Ass Girl, on April 5th, 2013
Now WHERE is the anal-anxieties from? Certainly not what you think immediately (that’s a whole other monthly blog!) more about me being PISSED with the judicial system. Not the petty crap like my ex owing me $320,000 in child support, not parking tickets, but the fact that because I have such incredibly bizarre situations always . . . → Read More: Anal Anxieties | Strap It On
By The Ass Girl, on April 10th, 2013
Machismo.. Doesn’t that word just scream gold chain, hairy chest, the scent of Old Spice, white socks worn with sandals, speeding by you in an Iroc? Pretty hot huh?
NOT! It also screams arrogance to me and I hate arrogance. It also screams bushy hair to me and I’m not sure why but that leaves . . . → Read More: Myth #6: Machismo is Sexy-Hot
By The Ass Girl, on April 10th, 2013
One night (drinking) I was hanging with a gf..drinking some tequila(Jose’ I’m broke so the shitty stuff but tolerable in a one up kind of situation) we decided to go on Plenty of Fish and make a post. Not a usual post but a “Two For One Blue Plate Special”. IT WAS AWESOME! We . . . → Read More: Two For One Blue Plate Special | What Do Guys Really Want?
By The Ass Girl, on April 11th, 2013
Morality? Gets in the way of fun? Nahh ! LOL. May cause a pause at times? Yea..probably. I scratch my brain and have more wine. I think morality is different for everyone. All I know is that the only person who can make you happy is yourself, so do whatever it is you want to . . . → Read More: Morality And Sleeping With Your Cousin
By The Ass Girl, on April 11th, 2013
I decided to try something different this month. I am going to be posting my review of Fifty Shades of Grey so I figured lets stick with that S&M theme. I hope that isn’t a problem for anybody…
Now I know I seem like a woman of “experience” mostly due to the fact that I . . . → Read More: 50 Shades Of S&M | Getting Busted By Landlord
By The Ass Girl, on April 10th, 2013
What is going on? What is with the urgent message? WTF?
I am sorry to have to interrupt your Friday evening escapades but I received a phone call that was very upsetting to me. A dear friend called me very distraut. She was inconsolable. What happened? She explained…OH NO! Not again! I became . . . → Read More: Warning Warning | Poor Shooter | Ouch My Eye Hurts
By The Ass Girl, on April 10th, 2013
I have been sitting here trying to figure out a ‘J’ word to go with January. It’s really pissing me off. I have already used jack offs (although I do have a neverending list of stories under that catagory). I thought about “Juggs” or “Jauggernaughts” then I realized I’m not so sure how to spell . . . → Read More: Shipping Men With Small Penises To China | Improves Self Esteem
By The Ass Girl, on April 5th, 2013
Actually it came out of left field. A compliment from a friend, from back in the day, that made me smile. Yes, it wasn’t exactly roses & champagne, but when has that ever worked for me? NEVER! I’d rather hear reality. We caught up, had intelligent conversation, then discussed what we had in common over . . . → Read More: I can only rent because I have commitment issues
By The Ass Girl, on April 9th, 2013
I know! I know! Orgasms? How predictable! Trust me, being the scorpio I am, I tried desperately to come up with something else. I did not want to make it easy. I am a stubborn, pain in the ass (when I’m not wearing my…) Wait! What was I saying? Oh yea, orgasms. I thought about . . . → Read More: 2 Condoms For My First Orgasm | Hitting Home Runs
By The Ass Girl, on April 10th, 2013
Favorite Phrase I Have Used This Month: I am ALL about customer service! Just talk to any of the men I have slept with.
It is my birthday month so I have taken a few days to come up with a theme. Too busy being self-absorbed in my increasing age, inability to continue to lose . . . → Read More: Nooners In November | Good Customer Service
By The Ass Girl, on April 10th, 2013
My December Delights are pretty obvious by my pictures.
Matt Sorum
Being the concert whore that I am, these two were definitely my highlights! Kid Rock..private show at Malibu Inn and Camp Freddy at the Roxy. Both small venues..both kick ass! Everything about them..hot guys, entertaining selection of skanky chicks and me having enough . . . → Read More: Concert Whore That I Am | Kid Rock and Camp Freddy
By The Ass Girl, on April 11th, 2013
There was no way I couldn’t take time out to thank those amazing people out there who helped out at the Ladies Who Ride ’12 and did it all free!
I love how in the world today, there are still so many wonderful people, who volunteered their time, for this event. AND did . . . → Read More: Ladies Who Ride ’12 | Photos